Agenzia AXA Assicurazioni Arcuri S.a.s. di Arcuri Claudio & C.

What we specialize in/our offer


Car and Motorcycle Insurance

We protect your assets from trouble or worry along the way


Health insurance

We'll help you protect your family and keep everyone well


Business Insurance

We have over 40 years of experience providing tailored cover that matches your needs


Pension Insurance

We are by your side helping you to create the future you want



AXA's cover extends to anyone in your family and the people who live with you


Asset Management

We have over 40 years of experience in investing for the long term to help our clients prosper


Claims management

We guarantee a positive experience for our clients when it comes to claims coverage, disputes and assessment

RUI : A000012859

Locations and contact details

Agency team

Our team

Get a quote today


Get a quote in
just a few easy steps:
all you need is your number plate and your date of birth!

Get up to 20% discount

offer valid until 30/04!


Protect what you love most with Nuova Protezione Casa

Get up to 15% discount

offer valid until 30/04!

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Protect your lifestyle with Tutta la Vita


A strong support for your health

Discover Assistenza 360, the new private health insurance that takes care of everything, including daily management tasks, providing all the help you need so you can focus on getting better.

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Build a safer tomorrow with Previsio

Find out your pension annuity which can give you a guaranteed income for as long as you live or a sum that can complement your public pension, allowing you to maintain your standard of living when you retire

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Protect your furry friends with pet insurance: get a quote now!


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With AXA you're protected wherever you go

Discover "InGiro", the insurance cover which is by your side wherever you go, protecting you from unexpected events that can damage your health or cause damage to other people.

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Protect your business with "Buon Lavoro"

Get up to 15% discount

offer valid until 20/03!

With AXA's "Buon Lavoro" you can face any unexpected event in the best possible way. Discover the insurance cover specifically designed to protect commercial and craft businesses with up to 9 employees.

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"Per Noi" is the life insurance you and your partner seek.

"Per Noi" is the life insurance you need which protects you and your life or business partner in the event of adverse circumstances.

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Already a customer?

Wherever you are, your virtual
agency team is on hand to help



Your virtual agency is always at hand: log into the member's area to access your documents

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Register a new claim with us online and track the status of existing claims by accessing your member's area

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Your insurance policy is about to expire? We're here to help you renew your contract online

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With the MY AXA app we're always here to help.

Your agency is always with you

News & Promo

Discover the initiatives we have designed to be even closer to you

Self-employment should not be a risk

Discover the new AXA campaign

Recommended products

Here are some of the products we think you might like

"Nuova Protezione Auto" - Car insurance

"Nuova Protezione Auto" - Car insurance

With AXA's Nuova Protezione Auto, you know you’re in safe hands.

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"Nuova protezione Casa" - Home insurance

"Nuova protezione Casa" - Home insurance

The insurance policy that protects your home and your day-to-day life

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"Nuova Protezione Salute" - Private Health insurance

"Nuova Protezione Salute" - Private Health insurance

AXA's Health insurance is the right choice for your wellbeing and that of the people you love

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"Protezione Salute" - Health insurance

"Protezione Salute" - Health insurance

The Private Health Insurance that gives you access to eligible health treatment when you need it.

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Protezione salute per Sempre

Protezione salute per Sempre

A single package for long-term serenity

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Easy Plan

Easy Plan

The AXA accumulation plan that allows you to build capital over time

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"MiaPensione" - Pension

"MiaPensione" - Pension

Imagine a better tomorrow

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Investment For You

Investment For You

Discover Investimento per Te, the combination of investment and savings that best suits your profile, with 3 different solutions.

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"Double Project Plus" - Investment

"Double Project Plus" - Investment

The insurance solution that enables you to combine your investment objectives with those aimed at protecting the people you love

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"Buon lavoro" - Business insurance

"Buon lavoro" - Business insurance

Discover the insurance cover specifically designed to protect commercial and craft businesses with up to 9 employees.

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"Guida Autocarri" - Truck insurance

"Guida Autocarri" - Truck insurance

"Guida Autocarri" is AXA's solution for commercial vehicles and campers offering complete and bespoke coverage options for your vehicle to protect your business from unexpected events.

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"Protezione in Moto" - Motorbike and scooter insurance

"Protezione in Moto" - Motorbike and scooter insurance

You chose the right motorbike for your needs and now it's time to find the right insurance cover for it

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Project Investment Plus

Project Investment Plus

A policy able to harness every opportunity

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"Protezione su minsura" - Life and business insurance

"Protezione su minsura" - Life and business insurance

The insurance cover that protects your standard of living

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"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA  (Self-employed)" - Life and business insurance

"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA (Self-employed)" - Life and business insurance

You can be independent even if your business comes to a halt

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"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA (Employees)" - Life and business insurance

"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA (Employees)" - Life and business insurance

You can find support even in the event of job loss

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"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA  (Homemaker)" - Life insurance

"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA (Homemaker)" - Life insurance

You can continue to manage everything even should something happen to you

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"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA (Retiree)" - Life and business insurance

"PROTEZIONE SU MISURA (Retiree)" - Life and business insurance

You can be independent even if something stops you

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"Semplicemente vita" - Life insurance

"Semplicemente vita" - Life insurance

Protect the people you love with our life insurance coverage

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"Tutta la Vita" - Life Insurance

"Tutta la Vita" - Life Insurance

The insurage coverage that protects you in the event of a serious illness, loss of self-sufficiency and looks after your loved ones in the event of premature death

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"Tutta la Vita" - Life Insurance

"Tutta la Vita" - Life Insurance

AXA's "Tutta la Vita" offers you two solutions to choose from to protect the contonuity of your business in case your key man is caught up in serious unforseen events

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Uffici e studi professionali

Uffici e studi professionali

Big or small, protect your workspace

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"Vivo Casa" - Home insurance

"Vivo Casa" - Home insurance

Innovative services for the prevention and safety of home systems and appliances.

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Partnerships and related documents

The perks of being an AXA customer


Injury and illness cover

AXA's injury and disease cover protects you from the financial consequences resulting from illness o injury-related permanent disability.




Accident cover

AXA's 24h Accident cover always has your back: while at work, while driving, when your are on holiday and in your everyday life.

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Injury and rehabilitation

With AXA's hispitalization and recovery cover you can benefit from a daily allowance which helps you deal with potential loss of earnings as a result of injury or illness.


Windscreen repair and replacement services

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Cod. Fiscale: 02940800127 - P.IVA: 02940800127 - Numero iscrizione REA: 304919 - RUI: A000012859 - CAPITALE SOCIALE: 10.000€ - Numero iscrizione registro imprese di VA : 02940800127 - PEC: ARCURI@REGISTERPEC.IT